

Mr. Cesar Prieto, ARIAE Vice-President and Superintendent of SIE from Dominican Republic

Ms. Anne Vadasz-Nilsson, CEER Vice-President and CRM WG Chair, Director General of Ei from Sweden 

Mr. André Pepitone, ARIAE President and Director General of ANEEL from Brazil

Session I:  Decarbonisation at least cost: planning and targets 

Moderator:   Mr. Andrés Chambouleyron, Chair of ENRE from Argentina 

CEER:    Ms. Natalie McCoy, Head of International Affairs of ERSE from Portugal 

ARIAE:  Mr. Mario Mora, Director of Energy Division of ARESEP from Costa Rica 

Session II: Smart Grids Regulation

Moderator:    Mr. Martín Osorio Campusano, ARIAE Gas WG and  Boss of Economic  Regulation of CNE from Chile

ARIAE:   Mr. Germán Castro, ARIAE Electricity WG Chair and Commissioner of CREG from Colombia

CEER:  Mr. Pedro Verdelho,  CEER GWG Chair  and Commissioner of ERSE from Portugal  

Session III: Renewables: Auctions, Self-consumption and Integration in the network   

Moderator:  Mr. Pedro Verdelho,  CEER GWG Chair and Commissioner of ERSE from Portugal  

CEER:     Mr. Luis Jesús Sánchez de Tembleque, Direction General for Energy of CNMC from Spain

ARIAE:   Mr. Victor Zurita, Adviser of ICER President and President of OSINERGMIN from Peru

Session IV: Customer Protection and Empowerment 

Moderator: Mr. Mariano Bacigalupo, Commissioner of CNMC from Spain

ARIAE:   Ms. Griselda Lambertini, ARIAE Consumer WG Chair and Director of ENARGAS from Argentina

CEER:    Ms. Anne Vadasz-Nilsson, CEER Vice-President and CRM WG Chair, Director General of Ei from Sweden

Session V: Regulatory Institutions - Roles and Powers

Moderator:  Ms. Anne Vadasz-Nilsson, CEER Vice-President and CRM WG Chair, Director General of Ei from Sweden

OECD:  Ms. Anna Pietikainen, Senior Policy Advisor. Regulatory Policiy Division. OECD  

ARIAE/CEER:  Mr. Mariano Bacigalupo, Commissioner of CNMC from Spain


Ms. Anne Vadasz-Nilsson, CEER Vice-President and CRM WG Chair, Director General of Ei from Sweden 

Mr. André Pepitone, ARIAE President and Director General of ANEEL from Brazil