8:00-8:30 REGISTRATION |
Mr Roberto Meana, General Manager of ASEP from Panama |
Mr Josep María Guinart, Vice President 1º ARIAE and Commissioner of CNMC |
Mr Remko Bos, CEER Vice President and Energy Director of ACM from The Netherlands |
9:00-10:00 Session I: Clean Energy and Effective Electricity Markets
Moderator: Mr. Andrew Ebrill, CEER Secretary General |
CEER: EU Clean Energy Package: Overview of regulators’ perspective. Mr Remko Bos,
CEER VicePresident and Energy Director of ACM from The Netherlands
ARIAE: The functioning of the regional electricity market in Central America (MER).
Mr Rodrigo Rodriguez, President of the Central America multinational regulator CRIE |
10:00-11:00 Session II: Energy Markets and Regulation: The Impact of Renewables in the Fight Against Climate Change
Moderator: Mr Josep María Guinart, Vice President 1º ARIAE and Commissioner of CNMC |
ARIAE: The case study of Brazil - Solar energy in the Brazilian electric matrix: Overview and challenges.
Mr André Pepitone. Vice President 2º of ARIAE and Director of ANEEL from Brazil
CEER: Renewable energy transition in the EU, including a case-study on the Irish energy market.
Mr Andrew Ebrill. CEER Secretary General
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break |
11:30-12:30 Session III: Developing Energy Markets and Infrastructure – Incentivising Efficient Investments .
Moderator: Mr Jorge Aráuz, Vice President 3º ARIAE and President of CNEE from Guatemala |
CEER: Cross-border wholesale markets and network interconnection.
Mr Fernando Hernandez, Energy Director of CNMC from Spain
ARIAE: The case of study of Chile-the regulation to attract investments in energy infrastructures.
Mr Andrés Romero, Chair of Gas ARIAE WG and Executive Secretary of CNE from Chile |
12:30-13:30 Session IV: Customer Protection and Empowerment
Moderator: Mr Fernando Hernandez, Energy Director of CNMC from Spain
ARIAE: The role of consumers in the restructuration of the energy sector in México.
Mr Guillermo García, President of CRE from México |
CEER: Smart regulation, energy consumer engagement and demand response.
Mr Alexandre Santos, Commissioner of ERSE from Portugal |
13:30-15:00 WORKING LUNCH
Restaurant Arts. Hotel Rui Plaza Panamá
15:00-16:00 Session V: Regulatory Institutions - Roles and Powers
Moderator: Mr Luis Jesús Sánchez de Tembleque, ARIAE Secretary Executive
OECD: Governance of Regulators. Ms Anna Pietikainen Policy Analyst,
Regulatory Policy Division, Public Governance and Territorial Development OECD
CEER: Safeguarding regulatory independence. Mr Andrew Ebrill, CEER Secretary General
NARUC: Principles of Effective Regulation. Ms Larcus Nicole Pickett, Program Manager, International Programs.
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) |
16:00-16:15 CONCLUSIONS
ARIAE President and Vice President; and CEER Vice President
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