Salón Berlín. Hotel Riu Plaza Panamá. Calle 50. Ciudad de Panamá
Thursday, 20 of April of 2017

Mr Roberto Meana, General Manager of ASEP from Panama
Mr Josep María Guinart, Vice President 1º ARIAE and Commissioner of CNMC
Mr Remko Bos, CEER Vice President and Energy Director of ACM from The Netherlands
9:00-10:00 Session I: Clean Energy and Effective Electricity Markets
Moderator:  Mr. Andrew Ebrill, CEER Secretary General

CEER: EU Clean Energy Package: Overview of regulators’ perspective. Mr Remko Bos,
CEER VicePresident and Energy Director of ACM from The Netherlands


ARIAE: The functioning of the regional electricity market in Central America (MER).
Mr Rodrigo Rodriguez, President of the Central America multinational regulator CRIE

10:00-11:00 Session II: Energy Markets and Regulation: The Impact of Renewables in the Fight Against Climate Change
Moderator: Mr Josep María Guinart, Vice President 1º ARIAE and Commissioner of CNMC

ARIAE: The case study of Brazil - Solar energy in the Brazilian electric matrix: Overview and challenges.
Mr André Pepitone. Vice President 2º of ARIAE and Director of ANEEL from Brazil


CEER: Renewable energy transition in the EU, including a case-study on the Irish energy market.
Mr Andrew Ebrill. CEER Secretary General


11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:30 Session III: Developing Energy Markets and Infrastructure – Incentivising Efficient Investments .
Moderator: Mr Jorge Aráuz, Vice President 3º ARIAE and President of CNEE from Guatemala

CEER: Cross-border wholesale markets and network interconnection.
Mr Fernando Hernandez, Energy Director of CNMC from Spain


ARIAE: The case of study of Chile-the regulation to attract investments in energy infrastructures.
Mr Andrés Romero, Chair of Gas ARIAE WG and Executive Secretary of CNE from Chile

12:30-13:30 Session IV: Customer Protection and Empowerment
Moderator: Mr Fernando Hernandez, Energy Director of CNMC from Spain

ARIAE: The role of consumers in the restructuration of the energy sector in México.
Mr Guillermo García, President of CRE from México

CEER: Smart regulation, energy consumer engagement and demand response.
Mr Alexandre Santos, Commissioner of ERSE from Portugal

13:30-15:00 WORKING LUNCH
Restaurant Arts. Hotel Rui Plaza Panamá

15:00-16:00 Session V: Regulatory Institutions - Roles and Powers
Moderator: Mr Luis Jesús Sánchez de Tembleque, ARIAE Secretary Executive

OECD: Governance of Regulators. Ms Anna Pietikainen Policy Analyst,
Regulatory Policy Division, Public Governance and Territorial Development OECD


CEER: Safeguarding regulatory independence. Mr Andrew Ebrill, CEER Secretary General


NARUC: Principles of Effective Regulation. Ms Larcus Nicole Pickett, Program Manager, International Programs.
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC)

16:00-16:15 CONCLUSIONS
ARIAE President and Vice President; and CEER Vice President

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